Lecture Series
Forensic Medicine Lectures
- History of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences
- Postmortem Changes and Estimation of Time Since Death
- Sudden Unexpected and Natural Deaths
- Wounds and Injury Interpretation
- Forensic Aspects of Blunt Force Injuries
- The Use of Forensic Autopsies in Medico-legal Death
- Forensic Aspects of Traffic Fatalities
- DNA, Trace and Physical Evidence and Coroner/Medical Examiner in Death Scene Investigation
- Inquiry and Death in Childhood
- Forensic Aspects of Sharp Force Injuries
- Forensic Aspects of Gunfire Injuries
- Introduction to Forensic Aspects of Anthropology and Entomology
- Asphyxial Deaths
- Electrical Deaths
- Drug Related Deaths
- Fire Injuries and Deaths and Arson Investigation
- Bodies Recovered from Water
- Genetic and Paternity Testing
- Medico-legal Aspects of Alcohol
- Sexual Offenses
- Medical Evidence
- Ethics, Medicine, and the Law
- Deaths in Custody
- Forensic Psychiatry
Forensic Science Lectures
- Fingerprints
- Physical Match and Identification Techniques in Forensic Sciences
- Forensic Serology and DNA
- Paints
- Fibers
- Drug Analysis
- Firearms and Ballistics
- Laboratory Instruments and Techniques in Forensic Sciences
- Statistical Analysis in Forensic Sciences
- Crime Scene and Physical Evidence
- Internship and Project (2 weeks) Police Crime Laboratory Physical Evidence and Identification
- Seminars in Forensic Sciences (2 weeks)
Contact Us
Nebraska Institute of Forensic Sciences
Suite 105
Phone: +1 402 4863447
Email: nebraskaforensic@gmail.com
Or use our contact form.